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Selectmen Minutes 07/07/2015
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Minutes of Meeting

Members Present:  Chairman Richard DeBold, D Michael Paveglio, Jeffrey Jordan, and Jamie A Pike, Administrative Assistant.

Chairman DeBold called the meeting to order at 6:00pm.

A motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Paveglio to enter into a non-public session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3(b).  Roll Call Vote:  RD – Yes; MP – Yes; JJ – Yes;  Motion passes.

A motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Paveglio to exit the non-public session.  Roll Call Vote:  RD – Yes; MP – Yes; JJ – Yes;  Motion passes.

Mr. DeBold announced that during the non-public session an offer of employment had been made to a prospective candidate for the highway department.

A motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to seal the minutes of the non-public session indefinitely.  Roll Call Vote:  RD – Yes; MP – Yes; JJ – Yes;  Motion passes.

Others Present:  Barbara Frangione, Lucille Noel, Ann Davis, Craig McIntosh and others.

Frangione Barn Easement:

Mr. DeBold and Mr. Paveglio individually inspected and reviewed the subject barn during the previous week.  Each completed the rubric scoring the barn at 17 and 17.8 points out of a possible 18 points respectively.

Mr. DeBold guided the continuing discussion using the Site Evaluation Questionaire:

1.      Is the structure “historic”?  It was determined that the barn was built circa 1840 aging the building to approximately 175 years.
2.      Is the structure an “agricultural structure”?  The barn has a long standing history of being an active agricultural structure.  The property was a very active farm, and remained in a singular family lineage for nearly a century.  Mr. Jordan also iterated that the Frangione’s furthered its agricultural heritage through the breeding and raising of tremendous livestock on the property, bringing forward memories of the multitude of prize winning sheep.
3.      Does the structure provide a public benefit?  
a.      Does the structure provide scenic enjoyment to the general public from a public way or public waters? The barn has long been a pinnacle of scenic enjoyment along Chichester’s Main Street.  It was noted that three sides of the barn are visible from the travelled way.
b.      Is the structure historically important on a local, regional, state or national level, individually or as part of a historic area?  The subject barn maintains the highest of standards in keeping Chichester’s rural heritage intact.  The barn, along with the adjoining house substantially contributed to a rich and vibrant tourist trade for the area by providing room and board for the weary traveler.

A motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold that the subject barn and adjoining structure substantially qualify for a discretionary preservation easement.  Motion passes unanimously.

The Board continued their discussion to determine the level of abatement (25 – 75%) that should be granted to the structure.

1.      Scenic quality of the structure:  In the opinion of the Board of Selectmen, the structure is very scenic/aesthetically pleasing and the view is unobstructed for a considerable distance along the road or roadway.
2.      Public access/participation in enjoyment:  The view of the structure is from an arterial roadway travelled by an excess of 7,500± vehicles per day.
3.      Historical importance on a local, regional or national level, individually or as part of a historic area:  The structure is neither listed, nor known to be eligible for listing, in either the National or New Hampshire Registers, but in the opinion of the Board of Selectmen significantly reinforces local and state preservation goals due to its being a rare surviving structure type, an emulation of historic construction materials and standards, telling the story of agriculture in the community and being part of a landscape and rural setting that only embellishes its historic character.
4.      Condition of the structure:  In the opinion of the Board of Selectmen, the structure is substantially maintained in excellent condition and retains its historic exterior appearance.  It was noted that due to serious default in its repair in the past, the Frangione’s have taken superb measures to restore the barn to its existing condition and should be commended for their actions in doing so.
5.      Public benefit to be obtained versus the tax revenue lost if an easement is granted:  In the opinion of the Board of Selectmen, there is great public benefit to be gained if a discretionary easement were to be granted.  Such benefits not only include the maintenance of a historic and locally important structure, it also serves to maintain the rural integrity of a community that has a long standing tradition of agricultural activities and tourism.  Further, Chichester’s Main Street, is steeped in historic value that has been carefully and well documented by the Heritage Commission, and the granting of an easement only furthers the efforts of the community to remember and hold on to its past.

A motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Paveglio to grant a discretionary easement for the structure including the land necessary for the function of the structure in the amount of 75% of its assessed valuation.  Motion passes unanimously.

Mr. Paveglio commended Ms. Frangione, along with Lucille Noel and Ann Davis for their efforts in putting the application together and providing the opportunity to himself and the Board of Selectmen as a whole to doing something “good” and with great benefit to the community.

The Board further asked for assistance from Lucille Noel and Mr. Pike to prepare a press release regarding the easement for distribution to the area media outlets.

Other Business:

Ms. Noel updated the Board on the Charrette Planning Group.  The group met on June 29th with 6 in attendance and are preparing plans to begin working on a Town Hall property beautification to start implementing some of the basic nuances of the Charrette.  The next meeting of the group will be July 27th and are further scheduled for the last Monday of each month.

Ms. Davis informed the Board that the Chichester Garden Tour will be held on July 25th and 26th and will begin with tours of the Millican Nurseries and Pleasant View Gardens facilities.  Millican’s has graciously opened their doors and will allow public purchase of products during the garden tour, an unprecedented activity as they are strictly a wholesale dealer.

Mr. Pike informed the Board of an award presentation to be held at the next meeting on July 14th.  Scheduled absences are Mr. Paveglio on July 21st, Mr. Jordan on August 11th and Mr. DeBold on August 4th.  Mr. Paveglio will act as ex-officio at the Planning Board meeting on August 6th.

Being no further business, a motion was made by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to adjourn the meeting at 7:03pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

                                                                Not approved until signed.

Jamie A Pike

_________________________       ____________________________    ________________________
Richard DeBold                                  D Michael Paveglio                      Jeffrey Jordan